Every once in a while, students may feel the usual academic, athletic, or financial strain that comes with the whole college experience. Luckily, Eastern Michigan University has a solution with its team of furry, four-legged friends. In this week's "Focus on EMU," WEMU's Patrick Campion talks to Nick Pomante from EMU's Office of Wellness and Community Responsibility about its ongoing "Wellness Woof" program.
About Wellness Woof
Nothing puts you in a good mood like petting a soft, fluffy dog! Come to relieve your stress, improve your mood and meet some great new friends by petting therapy dogs at our monthly Wellness Woof event.
The dogs and their volunteers will be on the second floor REC/IM utility gym the second Monday of every month from 4-6pm. Come to pet the pooches and relax a bit while checking out our vendor tables (vendors are subject to change each month).
The next event is on Monday, November 12. Registration is not required but is requested. You can sign up for the event here.
Future Wellness Woof dates are:
- December 1
- January Winter Wellness Fair (dates to be determined)
- February 1
- March 5
- March 20
- April 9
EMU Office of Wellness and Community Responsibility
Wellness Woof addresses students to promote success
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— Patrick Campion is the WEMU Program Director. You can contact Patrick at 734.487.3363, on twitter @WEMUPC, or email him at pcampion@emich.edu