Eastern Michigan University has shifted all of its classes online and told students to go home to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, but some are still living on campus.
The university ordered students who could leave to do so by March 31st.
As of this week, EMU spokesman Geoff Larcom says fewer than 300 students are still living in the school’s residence halls.
“International students, students who cannot return home for a certain reason, situations such as that, or for whom Eastern is their permanent home, so that’s why they’re still here,” Larcom says.
Larcom says EMU is continuing to provide them with essential services, such as dining, although they’ve had to change the way they offer some of those to comply with the latest health regulations.
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— Taylor Pinson is a writer/reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him studio@wemu.org