The City of Ann Arbor’s new satellite city clerk’s office at the University of Michigan has registered numerous voters since it opened inside the Museum of Art Stenn Gallery on September 22nd.
Between 175 and 200 people a day are being registered to vote in the general election at the satellite office. So far, over 1,400 people, a mix of students and city residents, have been registered. Miriam Chung is the chief of staff for the University of Michigan’s student government and says, by having the satellite office on campus, they’re able to encourage more students to register to vote.
Miriam Chung: It opens up space on campus for students to go in, fill out their absentee ballot application, and do their ballot and turn it in, all at once. So, it’s not only early voting but I think it mobilizes a lot of students that are unsure of where to go or even just lazy, because that’s how students get these days.
Meanwhile, Eastern Michigan University is offering voter registration resources on its Engage @ EMU website to help their students register to vote.
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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him