The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners has allocated $50,000 to the Ypsilanti District Library to help build a new library branch in Superior Township.
The Ypsilanti District Library is planning on building a nearly 8,000 square-foot branch on Harris Road to accommodate more patrons in the future. Their current branch on MacArthur Boulevard is 1,000 square-feet big. Library Director Lisa Hoenig says they have about $3.6 million allocated for the $5 million project, but they will continue raising funds for the branch.
Lisa Hoenig: It will have more computers, it will have full-time hours, it will be a full-service branch location just like our other libraries.
Hoenig says they hope to break ground next spring and open the new library in 2022.
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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him