Three Ypsilanti City Council members will take the oath of office Monday night, November 9th after being elected on November 3rd.
Lois Richardson, Steve Wilcoxen, and Annie Somerville will be sworn in virtually through a Zoom meeting. However, while Richardson was re-elected to the first ward, she is currently serving as Mayor after former Mayor Beth Bashert resigned from office in June. Richardson plans to continue serving as mayor until that term expires in 2022. City Clerk Andrew Hellenga says that will leave a vacancy in Ward 1.
City Clerk Andrew Hellenga: As required by charter if there is a vacancy in one of the council seats, it must be filled within three regular meetings.
Council Member Brian Jones-Chance, who was appointed by council to fill the Ward 1 seat when Mayor Richardson became mayor, wants to be reconsidered for the position. His appointment expires on Monday night, November 9th.
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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him