University of Michigan students and other community members are gathering on U of M’s campus tonight to raise awareness about sexual violence.
They’re holding the 43rd annual Take Back The Night Ann Arbor rally on the U of M Diag at 7.
Caitlin Marcus, a volunteer for Take Back The Night Ann Arbor, says they’ve taken extra precautions this year, due to COVID-19.
“We will be social distancing with masks, and we will have plenty of hand sanitizers and all that stuff. We’ve taken pretty much every precaution possible, and Ann Arbor has given us the opportunity to do this.”
Marcus says, for those who are unable to make it to the in-person event, they will also be holding a virtual event">online.
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— Taylor Pinson is a writer/reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him