Mental health among black men will be the focus of an event on Saturday in Ypsilanti. The seminar is billed as “A Call to 100 Black Men: Dealing With Trauma And The Criminal Justice System”.
There will be a variety of speakers that will gather with the goal of helping Black men cope with trauma as it relates to the criminal justice system. Some of the speakers include Washtenaw County’s chief prosecutor Eli Savit and Ken Nixon, a man who was exonerated after spending 16 years in prison for murder. Others include a sociologist, a police officer and a community activist who will share different perspectives.
A Q&A session will give attendees a chance to speak and share their stories.
Nate Frazier is the CEO of the “Black Men Wellness and Mental Health Resource Center” that is putting on the event.
“And then, we want a lot of them to begin to talk about their experiences. Whether it’s bullying, whether it’s law enforcement, so many other things. You know, just being a Black man in America alone has caused trauma.”
The event begins at 1 p.m. at the Men Like Us social club at 3011 Michigan Avenue.
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