New Michigan voting options in 2024 mean the Ann Arbor city clerk will have to determine the best way for staffing in the years ahead. So, they’re trying to prepare for additional voting choices by surveying city electors about their expected voting habits.
The newest voting option is a result of the approval of Proposal 2 in 2022. It means, starting in the next federal election in 2024, voters can actually cast their ballots in a voting machine for the 9 days leading up to election day.
Jackie Beaudry, the Ann Arbor city clerk, says there are now so many options like "true early voting", mail-in ballots, no-reason absentee voting and election-day voting that the clerk’s office wants to be prepared. So, they’re posting a 6-question survey online.
“For our planning purposes, what does the community think they’re most interested in? And we’re also asking the additional question, 'Are you looking for the city to provide additional information?'"
The survey is available on the city’s website through May 22nd. Beaudry is encouraging as many Ann Arbor residents and university students as possible to take the 5-minute survey, so they can hopefully offer a smooth voting season and avoid the long, late-night lines as there were in the last election.
You can take the survey by clicking on this survey link.
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