Ann Arbor School Board member Jeff Gaynor says he’s been hearing from a lot of anxious parents and teachers in the past several days as the district faces a $25 million budget hole.
Gaynor says with the short timeline between when the shortfall was discovered to when decisions need to be made, there is a lot of worry in the community as what happens next. He says it’s not knowing what is coming next that has a lot of people worried and angry.
“Everything’s on the table, which means everybody’s worried that it’s going to be their school, their program. Who is going to shuffle them down in terms of positions? How many positions? All of those are unknowns, and, of course, that creates anxiety.”
The district administration posted an online survey last week asking people what suggestions they had about reducing the deficit and to rank certain programs in order of their importance.
The board will meet next Thursday, April 4th for its next regular meeting ahead of a series of meetings Monday, April 8th with employees and community members at Pioneer High School.
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