You’ll soon be able to take a seat at work if you are employed at a business in Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor will be the first city in Michigan to approve the "Right to Sit” bill. It’s been passed in several locations around the country.
Under the ordinance, employers must permit workers to sit at times when it doesn’t interfere with the duties of their employment.
3rd Ward Council member Ayesha Ghazi Edwin, who introduced the ordinance, says she has spent the past few weeks discussing the change with local business associations to address their questions.
“And I’m pleased to have received the endorsement of the Huron Valley AFL-CIO, which represents a diverse body of labor union. Engaging all stakeholders in this conversation, it was vital in moving the legislation forward.”
Under the ordinance, the employer bears the burden of showing compliance is infeasible because sitting interferes with the duties of employment. Any disputes will be taken up by the city’s Human Rights Commission.
CTN Ann Arbor provided audio for this report.
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