A local state senator is raising concerns about an recycling measure that's headed to the governor’s desk, saying it may actually be harmful to the environment. WEMU’s Cathy Shafran explains.
Curbside recycling is common practice, yet many residents are still placing unrecyclable materials in their bins. That's why the Washtenaw Regional…
Glass is one of many materials that can and should be recycled. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks with Ypsilanti…
As of today, the city of Ypsilanti has a new service that will help protect the environment. Ypsilanti is now offering free curbside recycling pick-ups…
This week, the conversation centers on recycling in Washtenaw County. Our guest is Christine Chessler-Stull, Recycle Ann Arbor’s Outreach & Zero Waste…