More than 800 Ypsilanti Community Schools students will receive brand new tablets to use this school year, for free.
Every student at Washtenaw International Middle School and 600 at Ypsi Community Middle School will have a new Samsung tablet and 24/7 internet access through the academic year.
Yen Azzaro is with the district:
“They’re really going to be on the cutting edge of using classroom software that hasn’t been used in a widespread fashion in the past. So we will be models for other schools that are looking to do similar programs.”
According to Pew Research:
Roughly one-third (31.4%) of households whose incomes fall below $50,000 and with children ages 6 to 17 do not have a high-speed internet connection at home. This lack of access can put low income students at a learning disadvantage.
Amanda LeClaire is an assignment reporter, and anchor for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact her at 734.487.3363 or email her