Eastern Michigan University announced its first confirmed case of a student with the coronavirus.
Eastern president Dr. Jim Smith confirmed a student tested positive for COVID-19 saying their thoughts are with the student and their family. The student is from Wayne County and lived off-campus and had not attended classes since March 5th.
The student is now hospitalized, but the university president says there is no indication the student had the disease at any point while on campus. The student was NOT part of the study abroad groups that visited Italy.
The health department is following protocol tracking close contacts of the student. They will be contacted separately and advised on whether or not they need to self-quarantine or take other actions.
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— Lisa Barry is the host of All Things Considered on WEMU. You can contact Lisa at 734.487.3363, on Twitter @LisaWEMU, or email her at lbarryma@emich.edu