Various streets in downtown Ann Arbor have closed to vehicle traffic to allow restaurants, bars, and retail businesses to offer patio services because of COVID-19.
The closures started Friday at 2 pm and will be in effect until Sunday at 8 pm. It’s a three-day schedule the city will continue to use every weekend through August 23rd. Ann Arbor’s city council approved the closures because social distancing guidelines reduce the number of customers that can be inside a business by about 50%. Maura Thomson is the communications manager for the Downtown Development Authority.
Maura Thomson: Anything we can do to give them the ability to generate a little bit more business is obviously going to be helpful.
Main Street, from William to Liberty Street, and Washington Street, from South Ashley to Main Street are among the roads that are closed. For a full list, visit the city’s website.
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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him