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Community Group To Lead Monday Protest Calling For Ypsilanti Mayor To Resign

Beth Bashert
Mayor Beth Bashert

A protest is scheduled for this afternoon at 4 pm in Ypsilanti to demand the resignation of Mayor Beth Bashert.  

Survivors Speak is hosting the protest in the public parking lot located across the street from Ypsilanti’s City Hall.  The group wants Mayor Beth Bashert to resign after she said during a council meeting last week that she would be crucified if she voted against appointing a black person to a city commission.  Trische' Duckworth is the executive director of Survivors Speak.   

Trische' Duckworth: If she stays in office it would be a disgrace, a disrespect.

Bashert has apologized for her comment but does not plan to resign.

Mayor Beth Bashert: I need to stick around, I need to face this, learn from it, and become a better mayor.

Survivors Speak says they will move forward with a plan to recall Bashert if she does not resign.

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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him javellan@emich.edu

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