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Washtenaw County Voters Hit The Polls On Election Day

While over 161,000 people voted absentee in the November 3rd general election in Washtenaw County, others decided to vote in person.  WEMU’s Jorge Avellan spoke with several of them.

Nineteen-year-old Krista Blakely from Ypsilanti voted in person at Eastern Michigan University’s Honors College over concerns that if she voted absentee, her ballot could have gotten lost in the mail.  Blakely says she wants to help change the current national political climate.

Krista Blakely: It really means a lot to me to know that I can be a part of making a change, no matter how small it may be.

In Ann Arbor, Trey Hartema said he felt safe voting in person during the pandemic at the Temple Beth Emeth St. Clare’s Church polling location.  He was glad to see poll workers sanitize voting areas after every use.

Trey Hartema: For the workers they had plexiglass and then all of the ballot stations were pretty spread out so no issue there.

In Manchester, voter Rebecca Bosworth was excited to vote in-person because she likes going to the polls.  But was disappointed to see several people inside the polling site without masks.

Rebecca Bosworth: Michigan’s had the most cases its had since the whole pandemic started and some people just don’t take it seriously.

While masks were not required to vote at polling sites, local clerks encouraged voters to wear them.

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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him javellan@emich.edu

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