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Ypsilanti Meals On Wheels Wants To Help Inform Residents About COVID-19 Vaccine

Ypsilanti Meals On Wheels

Ypsilanti’s Meals on Wheels plans to play a role in informing local residents about the COVID-19 vaccine.  

Alison Foreman is the executive director for Ypsilanti’s Meals on Wheels and says they plan to offer pamphlets with information about the vaccine to their clients during regularly scheduled meal deliveries.  The group also plans to inform clients about the vaccine during weekly wellness calls they already make to the people they serve.  Because many of the senior citizens they serve are homebound, Foreman says bringing the vaccine to clients would be useful. 

Alison Foreman: We’ve had public health nurses come out and go out on meal delivery with us and give out the flu shot when we stopped to give the meals. So, I would think that’s a plausible option to do.

The Washtenaw County Health Department is still in the process of identifying different ways it plans to distribute the vaccine to local residents.

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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him javellan@emich.edu

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