UPDATE (11/24/23): FestiFools plans to return in April 2024
After returning last spring following a two-year COVID-19 hiatus, Ann Arbor’s Festifools event is back on hold.
Assembli, formerly known as Wonder-fool Productions, is the group that has put on the event since 2007. Every April 1st, an army of puppets of all shapes and sizes takes over Main Street accompanied by live music. Now they want to go on a one-year hiatus to re-examine how the event is produced and organized.
Assembli’s board president is Jeri Rosenburg. She says they are regrouping and plan to reach out to the community to reimagine this celebration of foolishness.
“We want to be much more inclusive and inviting all creators, makers, teachers, to come together and find out what Festifools could look like.”
FoolMoon, the group’s nighttime spring event will still take place as planned.
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