The Democratic National Convention kicks off today in Chicago. Michigan 6th District Congresswoman Debbie Dingell is attending as Vice President Kamala Harris officially accepts the party’s nomination.
There’s been a wave of enthusiasm among Democrats ever since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and Harris took his place and named Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate.
Dingell says she expects it will be a festive week, but Democrats and supporters will need to come together and work hard to defeat former President Donald Trump.
“It’s great to feel this energy. It’s great to see people that are excited. They’re both friends. Kamala Harris is someone I’ve known. Tim Walz and his wife, Gwen, is one of my close friends. I know how good these people are.”
But Dingell says Democrats can’t just sit back and let Trump and Republicans set the agenda. She says they have to get out across the country and remind people what’s at stake when they cast their ballots this fall.
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