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Washtenaw Intermediate School District pushing for passage of special education millage this November

Special education
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Special education

Voters in Washtenaw County are being asked this fall to renew a millage for special education. The renewal from the Washtenaw Intermediate School District is about 2.38 mills. It begins in 2026 and runs through 2037.

WISD Superintendent Naomi Norman says, without the renewal, special education funding would have to be provided by the individual districts.

“All of the costs for special education would still need be paid. It’s mandated by federal law that students with special needs that their needs are met by the school districts, so the cost would come from the general fund dollars in each district.”

Norman says the WISD provides special education services from birth to 26 years old. The rate is staying the same as the current levy.

It’s expected to raise just under $57 million in 2026.

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News Reporter and Host Kevin Meerschaert was a student reporter at WEMU in the early 90s. After another 30 years in the public radio business and stops in Indiana, Maryland, Florida, and New Mexico, Kevin is back to where it all began.
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