The 2019 algal bloom on Lake Erie now measures over 650-square miles and continues to expand. At the root of the issue is agricultural runoff and, in…
Over the last half-century, PFAS chemicals have been added to the formulation of innumerable products we use on a daily basis. The manufacture and…
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances have been highly valued by industry as useful in a wide variety of products. But, as more studies are conducted and…
The annual, summer algae bloom has hit Lake Erie. That’s not all. Agricultural run-off, in some way, affects many of Michigan’s rivers streams and more…
From spills in the Straits of Mackinac, to large-scale water diversions to tainted drinking water, Michigan has plenty of issues to address and remediate.…
Proposals in both Lansing and Washington would make available publicly held lands for private enterprise. environmentalists are fighting regulatory…
As the federal and state government continuing ironing out their budget priorities, environmentalists are expressing concern over proposed funding and…
For two decades the State of Michigan’s “containment” policy has allowed polluters to leave contamination in place rather than clean it up. 4,000 such…
1,4-Dioxane is a suspected human carcinogen and a contaminant of “emerging concern” for the EPA. It has been found in over a thousand public water…
"Declare the Pall-Gelman 1, 4 dioxane plume a federal Superfund site." That’s the message from the Sierra Club of Huron Valley. The Sierra Club has passed…