This winter, the City of Ypsilanti will have an overnight shelter available to those experiencing homelessness.
In recent years, if someone in Ypsilanti needed a place to stay overnight, they didn’t have a local option. They would have to catch a shuttle or find their way to Ann Arbor to stay at the Delonis Center.
Now, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on North Huron Street is opening their doors to those in need.
Dan Kelly, the executive director of the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County, says combined with the warming center at the Ypsilanti Freighthouse, this is a big deal.
“Ultimately, what we want to ensure is that every individual who’s experiencing homelessness who, during these winter months, needs somewhere to go, they have somewhere to go, day or night.”
St. Luke’s is expected to begin operating the overnight shelter on December 7th. It will run through March of next year.
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