Washtenaw County voters in three different communities are being asked to fund improvements to their local school districts.
Manchester Community Schools are seeking a bond proposal that would generate nearly $65 million. That would be used for infrastructure and classroom upgrades for the entire district. If approved, the current 8.5 mills would be extended until 2034, and then would gradually decline after that, according to the district’s website.
Napoleon Community Schools are making a similar, but smaller request. By maintaining the current 3.76 mills, the bond proposal would raise about $17.5 million for “academic, athletic, extracurricular and community activities.”
Lincoln Consolidated Schools is asking voters to renew an 18-mill non-homestead operating millage for 10 years. The tax does not apply to primary residences and would raise about $5.3 million in 2025.
There is also a second proposal that would renew the current .09 mills to fund public recreation and playgrounds in the district.
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