Ford Lake in Ypsilanti is currently under a public health advisory, due to a harmful algal bloom affecting the area.
The Washtenaw County Health Department is advising people and pets to avoid the lake water as the bacteria that causes algal blooms produce a neurotoxin that also lead to flu-like symptoms and gastrointestinal issues.
Susan Ringler-Cerniglia says last week's dry summer weather with the lack of rain turned the lake into a hotspot for standing water and algal blooms.
"There's not some rainstorms anticipated that are gonna help flush that out. And if you're familiar with this lake, there's kind of lots of beautiful, little nooks and crannies, and those can be areas where there's less water flow."
Ringler-Cerniglia add if you see anything suspicious, like an oily sheen on any lake surface, to report it to the Washtenaw County Health Department.
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