The Hope Clinic in Ypsilanti needs help from the community to keep struggling Washtenaw County residents warm during the winter months.
The clinic is now accepting new or used, electric space heaters to distribute to over 200 of their members during the winter. Emmeline Weinert is a spokesperson for the Hope Clinic and says they plan to distribute the heaters when residents pick up food from their pantry.
Emmeline Weinert: And this could just help so many of our clients who struggle with their utility bills, if they just want to focus on heating one room of their house, just keeping their family a little bit warmer and keeping that utility bill down a little bit.
Heaters can be dropped off Monday through Saturday at the Hope Clinic’s Harriet Street location in Ypsilanti. For details, click here.
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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him