The Legislature returns to the state Capitol today as lawmakers bargain over what to do before this session wraps up at the end of the year. One subject of negotiations is road funding. Rick Pluta reports.
Michigan House Democrats are looking to make the most of their last month in charge of the chamber. But as Colin Jackson reports, there could be some obstacles.
The incoming Republican state House leader has called for redirecting revenue from the corporate income tax and sales tax on fuel to road repairs. And House Speaker-elect Matt Hall called on Democrats to adopt the plan before adjourning for the year. Rick Pluta reports.
Washtenaw County put three ballot issues before voters in Tuesday's primary elections. All three touch on components of our environment. All three passed by a wide margin. WEMU's David Fair discusses the results and future impacts with Washtenaw County Commissioner Yousef Rabhi.
The Michigan fuel tax is no longer sufficient to fund needed road repairs and maintenance. As more electric vehicles hit the streets, the tax will raise less money, but the need for road and bridge revenue will only increase. Conversations are underway about alternative possibilities. WEMU's David Fair talks about what that might look like with Denise Donohue, CEO of the County Road Association of Michigan.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer addressed business leaders Thursday at the Detroit Regional Chamber’s annual policy conference on Mackinac Island. We have more from Rick Pluta.
The State House and Senate are working to come to an agreement on the budget for the 2025 fiscal year and get it sent to Governor Gretchen Whitmer before a self-imposed July 1st deadline. Some of the environmental measures proposed by Governor Whitmer have been left out and finding for others is at a premium. 33rd District State Representative Felicia Brabec has been actively involved in the process. WEMU's David Fair checked in with the Pittsfield Township Democrat for the latest.
The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners voted against placing a road and non-motorized path millage on the August 2nd ballot. The 0.5 mills would have…
Milan residents voted in favor of amending the city’s charter to dedicate funding for road repair.Nearly 78% of voters agreed to the amendment. Mayor…