It was a clean sweep for incumbent Democrats in the races for Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners. WEMU’s Ana Longoria has the details.
The results are in for running for Washtenaw County's top government offices.
Request for absentee ballots have been pouring into the Washtenaw County Clerk’s office. Today is the deadline to register online or by mail to vote in the August 6th primary, and early voting begins on Saturday. WEMU’s Kevin Meerschaert reports.
Increased efforts to clean up Michigan’s voter rolls are seeing large numbers of names eliminated from registration rolls across the state and here in Washtenaw County. WEMU’s Cathy Shafran has details.
Bipartisan boards in each of Michigan’s 83 counties have now certified the results of this month’s election. Colin Jackson has more on the next steps.
Washtenaw County officials are going to reduce the cost to purchase official, local identification to make it more accessible. WEMU’s Taylor Pinson reports
Washtenaw County Clerk and Register of Deeds Larry Kestenbaum moonlights in the creative world as photographer, illustrator, and the master sleuth behind "The Political Graveyard," the most comprehensive single free source for American political biographies, including how politicians died and where they are buried. Join Deb Polich on this edition of "creative:impact" when Larry tells her about his obsession with political history.
As life continues to move towards pre-pandemic activity levels, we’re seeing more and more opportunities for in-person engagement. WEMU's Lisa Barry talks…
In a three-way, Democratic primary race, the incumbent Washtenaw County Clerk/Register of Deeds defeated his opponents by a wide margin. Lawrence…
Washtenaw County is looking at June 1st as a possible date to once again start offering in-person services. That includes services at the county’s court…